It’s a Special Day!

Ciao everyone! As you’ve probably already figured from the title, today’s blog post is a little different from the rest. I actually want to take the time to celebrate two things. First things first, today marks the one-year anniversary of my blog (Happy Blogiversary? if you will)!! When I started this a year ago, I had no idea what was going to happen. The idea marinated in my brain for months before I found myself publishing it to my own little world. I’ve always been pretty shy when it came to these types of things, so it still surprises me that I went outside of my comfort zone to do something like this. I know I may not post every week as promised (sue me.), but this blog has become my baby. Not only do I love thinking and writing a new post whenever I can, I love that people actually listen. The amount of people that reach out and read my post weekly has exceeded my expectations. To those people, I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart (<3). At the same time, I also never minded if people didn’t like my blog because I always did this for myself and my happiness, I never needed anyone else’s approval. It will never be anyone’s place to tell me to stop or judge it. I do that on my own terms. Everyone’s support just makes this journey so much more fun though. That leads to me my next thing: Happy Women’s Day to the beautiful women inside and outside my life. Gosh, day by day I am floored by the strength and courage women have. I’ll be honest, I like that there is a whole day dedicated to us because I know how strong we have to be to go through this world sometimes (and that’s why we are the superior gender). I specifically chose for my blog to come out on a day like this, to show my dedication to empowering each other. Believe it or not, the kindness I receive from you all empowers me to keep going, and the blog posts I write are my attempts to empower you all. The more I think about it, I would love to expand this blog a little more. Maybe in the future, I will. Change is not always a bad thing and in celebration of this new year, I find some changes to be pivotal. Stay tuned for those. And with that, Ciao. Again.

- With so much love, Fiza Usman


Miserable Together, Happy Apart.


Is It Worth It?