Is It Worth It?

The older you get, the more you have to fight for the things that you love. Like, take my New York City penthouse, for example. No matter how much I want it or act as if it'll just magically happen after college, I’m inherently aware that I won't get it without making a few sacrifices (but I’ll get it don’t you even worry). Maybe to you, it's not a penthouse. It might be a person, a lifestyle, a job, or an education (or all of the above) but regardless, you still have to fight to keep it in your life. But, not everything you love is worth the effort it takes to get it. Recently, I found myself in a position like that - wondering whether I should quit or prosper through something I loved. As much as I hated it, it felt like I was loosening my hold on the one thing I loved most. Yet, every time I envisioned it I always saw myself at the finish line - when all the hard work proved to be worth it. When I looked both forward and back, I never centered my attention towards the things I hated, but on things that compelled me to be there in the first place. While I would prefer to keep the general sense of the situation private, I know that working hard now is a small price to pay for my future ambitions. I feel like everyone says that though, you should always fight for the things you want. To some extent, I do agree. As I said, almost everything desirable requires a lot of dedication, but sometimes that price is a lot larger than it needs to be. I am not going to say what’s worth it and what’s not, but just make sure that if you're putting up a fight for it is deserving of it. Giving up doesn’t always mean that you don’t love it enough, but just that there are other things more worthy of that excitement.

- With love, Fiza Usman


It’s a Special Day!


Same Old, Same Old.