I Miss You…

Happy spooky month everybody. Honestly speaking, I am rather “thrilled” about this time of the year. Though, it is a bittersweet feeling, no? Maybe it’s just me but I feel like time is moving awfully fast - a little too fast. With every passing moment parts of me gradually change, and I never notice it until it all feels like a distant reality. Sometimes I look in the mirror, and even though I love who I am looking at (yea u heard me), I can’t recognize earlier versions of myself. It’s almost as if they never existed. It’s true that change is inevitable and oftentimes a beautiful thing, but I can’t help but reminisce about the person I used to be. Once upon a time, I was admirably hopeful. The world felt exceptionally bright every day. I wanted to be an astronaut, then a lawyer, then a vet, and of course the list goes on. It was always someday. Someday the world would be mine. I found excitement and laughter in the smallest things because I didn’t always have to depend on something big to make me smile. For what it counts, change is not necessarily a bad thing. It almost feels kind of nice. Although I miss this time and this person deeply, I know that I am much happier with the person I’ve become. And, while I enjoy admiring the past and versions of myself that I used to be, I understand that the world treads on and so do we. I find that I still possess all the qualities I miss. Even if they are no longer pivotal parts of my personality, I’ve learned to cherish them anyway. On days where I need more hope in my life, I always look to see if I can find it in myself. It seems so silly to say, but love who you are now because it may be someone you vaguely remember tomorrow (ok might be longer than that). As for mini-me, she’s in there somewhere, and one day when the moment arises, she will come back to haunt you. Boo!

- With love, Fiza Usman

Okay, time to be serious guys. What is your Halloween costume? I have mine(s) so don’t worry I won’t steal it. I am just curious :). Anyways, if you want to tell me I have a little form below! The most creative one gets a retweet on my next blog post. (may the best one win). And again, Happy Happy Halloween.


Boston’s Skyline.


Admiration of the Angel