Boston’s Skyline.
I apologize for my absence once again (I will spare you my excuses), I am actually writing today’s post on my flight back to San Francisco. When the plane first departed, I kept staring at Boston’s skyline. It made me a little reminiscent. In high school, I always dreamed about spending my undergraduate years in Boston, and somehow I managed to do just that. It is quite refreshing to realize that I am literally living the dream I envisioned myself with so long ago. As I reminisce on this semester so far, I wish I could bottle up some of the memories forever. While I spend most of my time in the library (unfortunately), there are other parts of my day that are simply wonderful. Moments where my coffee tastes absolutely yummy, my face hurts from smiling too much, my visions slowly come to life and my presence makes a difference in someone else’s life. The accumulation of these moments is the reason why I fall in love with being alive. They give me the strength to be genuinely excited about living my life. Even though my life is far from perfect, sometimes it sure feels like it. So if you were to ask me what I was thankful for this Thanksgiving, it would be exactly that. I am thankful to have the opportunity to live my dream and be in love with the lifestyle I am so fortunate to have. Of course, I am also grateful to the people that helped formulate every memory. Even on this flight, I am surrounded by friends that show me what true love looks like. To the right of me, I have Priya, sleeping on my shoulder (fun fact she is cute when she sleeps). And right behind me, Mangla, who was actually a lovely surprise (she’s also really cute when she sleeps). To the people that give me a million reasons to be happy, Te Voglio Bene always (It means I love you in Italian, I thought it was a cute touch!). Ironically, I also saw a similar TikTok the other day, It said, “I hope there are days when your coffee tastes like magic, your playlists make you dance, strangers make you smile, and the night sky touches your soul. I hope you fall in love with being alive again.” This Thanksgiving, I hope that pertains to you. Muah Muah, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
- Always with love, Fiza Usman