Admiration of the Angel

When I was younger, my grandma used to tell me that I always had two angels on my shoulders overlooking my every move. For the longest time, I took it incredibly seriously. It was kind of cute how these figurative angels forced me to be such an obedient child. I always envisioned angels to exemplify outstanding beauty, ability, or capabilities. In other words, an angel to me was the epitome of perfection. Since then, I realize that the angels are no longer on my shoulders, but people I meet in my life. As sappy as it sounds, some people are truly special in comparison to others. There are some that make admiring them incredibly easy. Whether it’s their intelligence, kindness, or whatever else comes to your mind they have this sense of personality that can never be replicated in another. Unknowingly, these people push you to become better and inspire you more every day. And, it’s not to say that they're perfect, but just that they're perfect to you. While it may be unsaid, you know that they can easily outshine everyone else in this world. The more I considered who I envisioned my angels to be, I wondered if anyone would consider me to be theirs. The thing is, I know myself better than anyone else to know my faults and inconsistencies within life. I know I am nowhere near perfect, so it’s hard to envision others looking up to me or admiring me the way I do to them. But, sometimes I get reminded that the world gives the toughest battles to those that can handle it the most. Which is what makes you incredible in the first place.

- With love, Fiza Usman


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