10 Things I Hate About You

Happy Tuesday you wonderful people (sue me for it not being Monday). I like to think that I am a rather forgiving person, but I do also have my moments. While I believe being nice should be basic human decency, I am most definitely not immune to people getting on my nerves. They get on my nerves a lot actually. Considering I am already in a bad mood and I just watched Cruella, it seems only fitting I write about the things people do that bother me in this world. Before you read, if you resonate with any below, don't be offended. Or well just know I said no offense anyway.

10. Spiders

I hate them. That’s it. If you can kill a spider then ur a superhero. My superhero. :) If you’re the type of person that uses spider decorations for Halloween just know you’re the reason I had to take a longer route to get home as I was too afraid to look at ur stupid decor.

9. It’s not a competition

I don’t care if you had more homework, had less sleep, or had a busier day than me.

8. Slow talkers

Everyone always talks about slow walkers, but can we please acknowledge slow talkers?

7. “Fiza, you’re so skinny”

While this may seem like a compliment, I think we should all stop commenting on each other’s weight. I personally have no issue with my body, but it can actually be damaging to hear this all the time. At times it makes me perceive my body differently (not always in a good way). I’ll never forget this one time this girl goes “you need to gain a few pounds.” Let me get one thing straight I don’t NEED to do anything, and if I’m healthy and happy back off.

6. Being interrupted (repeatedly)

In case you missed basic human etiquette, if someone is talking don’t butt in. It's incredibly rude.

5. “We are living on a floating rock'“

I am sorry, but please, shut up. I like that it encourages us to not take life too seriously, but it’s not a justification for your horrible decisions.

4. Negative nellies!

The type of people that walk around with dark clouds above their head and continuously complain about every little thing. The world is bigger than you think it is!!! I understand that it can be cruel at times but learn to appreciate what's in front of you. From the bottom of my heart please open your eyes.

3. Random bursts of singing

I always say I will never marry a singer or any type of musician because I physically cannot handle someone singing to me. Double NO if it’s random and out of tune.

2. Me, Me, and Me

I think everyone deserves a chance in the spotlight. However, if you make the entire conversation about yourself then a mirror might be more fitting for you.

1. Assumptions

One time I introduced myself as being from Palo Alto, and this girl scoffed in my face and was like oh so you’re probably really rich. She then proceeded to tell ME that I lived in a huge mansion which made me incapable of understanding her financial struggles. Excuse me?

- With hate, Fiza Usman


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