The Best Four Years

Did you guys miss me? I gave you all a week to do so :). I realized I could’ve said something sooner but I enjoyed seeing how many people remembered and checked my blog throughout the week (u guys filled my heart with joy). Just to clarify, I don’t upload the first week of each month as I use that time to plan out all future posts and take a break. Truthfully, this semester has been incredibly grueling, and I think I finally reached my breaking point. After living the same tiring day for the past couple of months, I cannot believe I idolized going away to college so much just to get this. Though I know covid is to blame for all this, It makes me realize the extent to which I centered my life around college. Up until senior year, it was everything I thought about and worked for. When I got to campus during the fall I remember thriving off adrenaline. I met amazing people, enjoyed my freedom, (although funny story my mom called the police on me when I didn’t pick up her phone calls, so I guess kind of freedom), and could leisurely explore literally anything I wanted. At first, it truly is everything everyone says it is. But, covid or not, while college can be an exhilarating time that I am grateful to experience, there is honestly too much pressure surrounding it. After a semester or two, you kind of realize it really isn’t that big of a deal. For one, the exact same things that make college fun in the first place are also the causes of a lot of distress. The temporary excitement from partying, drinking, and the occasional random hookups can also be the most damaging aspects of college. Yet we continue to do it every weekend anyway because that’s what college is right? In addition to balancing this lifestyle (or lack thereof), we simultaneously have a four-year ticking clock to figure out our entire lives. By graduation, we are expected to have a lucrative job lined up, thousands of internships, our lifetime friends, our soulmate, and obviously irreplaceable college memories. This is honestly such an overbearing amount of weight to carry every day, and I know for sure that it impacts almost every student (including myself). Even though it’s a completely normal reaction we still shrug it under the rug. Although yeah, college is amazing, it isn’t the endgame. College is supposedly the “prime time” of your life, but it can also be a really confusing time. I don’t think it defines your entire life, though what you do there is a starting point to the rest of it. Anyways, ugh, back to Bio.

- With love, Fiza Usman

My study spot if anyone was curious :) Being remote isn’t thaaaaaat bad.

My study spot if anyone was curious :) Being remote isn’t thaaaaaat bad.


My One True Love


The Ongoing Catfight