Hot Girl Summer

I don’t usually admit when my mother is right because, in my opinion, I am always right haha. But anyway, during my senior year (prior to covid) she was upset I didn’t “seize the moment” enough. I mean she definitely had a point, I spent a lot of time at home during high school. Especially that school year, I was so consumed applying to colleges that my answer to many things became no. Want to get cupcakes? Pass. Want to see the city? Pass. Want to go to the gym? Definitely pass. It wasn’t until last summer where I was actually prohibited from living life, that I realized this wasn’t cutting it. I literally couldn’t continue to say no to everything, especially when I have nothing better to do. Imagine telling your children about your memories and they’re just unimpressed. Sorry no, I can’t have that. This is exactly why I have vowed to make this summer my “hot girl summer.” I’m not going to live my life through my phone, nor am I going to continue to wait for something to get my a** up. For example, I never anticipated that I wouldn’t be on campus for the spring, because if I did I would’ve partied a lot more. I refuse to have those regrets this summer. Whatever and wherever (and …whomever? ;)) it is, I am most definitely making the most of it. It might also be that my perception of a “hot girl summer” is entirely different than your own, and that’s okay. I don’t think that there’s a singular definition of it. No matter how you define it I am telling you that you should do the same. You must, I insist.

- With love, Fiza Usman


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